
Christmas traditions in Ethiopia
Family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness
Did Gladys still 'sing the song of redeeming love' after twenty six years?
Christmas traditions in Zimbabwe
Doctrines on marriage in new brochure for members in Africa
A video celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Johannesburg, South Africa temple
Christmas traditions in Burundi
Christmas traditions in Namibia
Spencer W Kimball: 'He watches over us. But it is usually through another person that He meets our needs.'
Teach children that there are many enjoyable Sabbath activities that they can do while keeping the day holy and special
The Africa Southeast Area Presidency has published a new brochure outlining the Church's doctrine and principles of marriage in Africa
The Africa Southeast Area Presidency has produced a brochure on marriage for all members of the Church in Africa. It contains important doctrines and principles from the First Presidency and the Apostles